A Seed Will Meet Any Need, 3rd Printing

A Seed Will Meet Any Need, 3rd Printing

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    Are you being chased by the blessings of God?

    Scripture tells us that if we are obedient to His voice, then His blessings will overtake us. This means that His blessings will chase after us, and eventually they will catch up to us. However, the Scriptures also say that if we are not obedient to His voice, then curses will overtake us. God wants to meet every single need you have in every area of your life. If you have a need, and the blessings of God have not overtaken you yet, find out what you may be missing.

    The powerful truths outlined in this book will help you understand God's rules for victorious living. When you live by these principles, then you can defeat the enemy in every area of your life - every time! God doesn't want His people to go through life just barely getting by. Start letting your seed meet your needs today! No matter what your need, a seed can meet it.


    Author: Bishop Keith A. Butler
