Don't Let Life & Stress Get Your Down!
Have you been living with anxiety and despair for a long time now? Are you facing trouble and tribulation?
Have you been tempted to doubt God's love for you?Don't be surprised when you face pressure. "In the world ye shall have tribulation," Jesus says. It is a given that you will face pressure—whether from Satan or from the consequences of your own bad decisions.
But look how Jesus frames this truth: "These things have I spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace… But be of good cheer; I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). In the midst of pressure, you can live in peace and with joy; you can live with victory. Why? Because He has overcome the world!
In this book, Keith Butler takes you through God's Word to give you skills for handling pressure like Jesus and many biblical characters did—with patience, with courage, with hope and with faith. You will look at affliction and tribulation from God's perspective. You will learn how to deflect pressure placed on you by Satan or eliminate pressure that you have created—all with the empowering help of the Holy Spirit and the truth from God's Holy Word.
Date: June 2013
Publisher: Word of Faith